
Easier access for everyone

Accessibility and universal usability are an important part of our providing a good experience on our site.

Accessibility Statement of Intent

Accessibility Value Statement, Renewable Solar is committed to ensuring that our products and services are accessible and usable by people of all abilities. This includes websites, email communications, online applications, documents, and live customer interactions over the phone or through face-to-face meetings.

For all digital communications, Renewable Solar strives to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) at Level AA as standard, and to provide appropriate channels of communication for feedback about accessibility from the public on

For all paper communications, Renewable Solar strives to provide alternative format statements like large print when requested.

For all live interactions, whether face-to-face, over the phone, or on chat Renewable Solar strives to accommodate customer preferences for assistive technologies. Customer-facing associates are prohibited from refusing service to a customer based on a disability or a preference for an assistive technology.

For all Renewable Solar employees, we encourage disability etiquette so that every person has empathy and compassion for another’s communication preference. Additionally, all employees are asked to share accessibility-related feedback to the executive leadership team. We also recommend familiarizing yourself with the reasonable accommodations for disability policy.

Associates in Procurement and Vendor Management functions strive to ensure that products and services provided by Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) vendors are accessible to our associates and customers who prefer or rely upon assistive technologies.

Our Corporate Real Estate Partners strive to complete regular reviews of our physical facilities to assess accessibility and universal design principles. This includes Renewable Solar corporate offices in the United States.

On Our Website

We are committed to making our websites easy for everyone to use. Whether you’re using a magnifier, screen reader, gaze tracker, or a sip and puff device, you should be able to find what you want. To do this, we strive to meet the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 at level AA or better.

We recommend the following for all visitors, especially those using assistive technology:

Tips for using your browser more effectively:

Use the most current version of your web browser

The latest versions of browsers (ChromeTM, Safari®, Firefox®, Internet Explorer®) perform best with our websites.

Maximize your browser window

This will help you see as much content and functionality as possible. Our websites are responsive, which means our content and layout adjust to fit the width of your browser window as it changes. (Some content may reorient itself or get hidden as you resize the width of your browser window.)

Maximize your browser in one of these ways:

    • Use browser buttons to minimize, maximize, or close your browser window. On PCs, the Maximize button is in the upper right of your browser window. On Macs, the Maximize button is green and is in the upper left of your browser window.
    • You can also use the keyboard. On a PC, hold down the Alt key while you press the spacebar. Then press the “X” key to select Maximize. On a Mac, hold down the Control and Command keys while you press the “F” key to view in full screen. On some versions of Macs, you may need to set up a specific keyboard shortcut to do this.
    • Zoom in to make reading easier

Your browser Zoom feature enlarges or shrinks all content, including text, images, and videos. “Zooming in” is useful if you’re having trouble reading a page. “Zooming out” is useful if you want to see more of a web page at a time or reduce the amount of vertical scrolling.

    • On a PC, you can zoom in by holding down the Control (Ctrl) key and pressing the plus key (+) as many times as you want. Zoom out by holding down the Ctrl key and pressing the minus key (-).
    • On a Mac, you can zoom in by holding down the Command (Cmd) key and pressing the plus key (+) as many times as you want. Zoom out by holding down the Cmd key and pressing the minus key (-).


    • You can also hold the Ctrl (PC) or Cmd (Mac) key and scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
    • Press Ctrl (PC) or Cmd (Mac) and the zero key (0) to return your zoom level back to the default, which is 100%.

Tips for navigating using a screen reader

  • Navigate by headings

Get a sense for how the page is structured and jump to different page sections using screen reader heading commands. Here are some screen reader heading commands that may be useful:

JAWS for Windows® screen reading software

Action Command
Next (previous) heading H (Shift + H)
Headings list Insert + F6



Action Command
Next (previous) heading H (Shift + H)
Headings list Insert + F7 for Elements list, then choose Headings


Zoomtext® Magnifier

Action Command
Next (previous) heading H (Shift + H)
Next (previous) heading level 1-6 1-6 + H (1-6 + Shift + H)
Headings list Insert + F7 for Page Navigation dialog, then choose Headings


AppleTM VoiceOver on Mac®

VoiceOver uses the Control and Option keys before each command. This is referred to as “VO” below.

Action Command
Next (previous) heading VO + Command + H (Shift + VO + Command + H)


AppleTM VoiceOver on iPad® and iPhone®

Action Command
Next (previous) heading Choose Headings from the rotor, then swipe down or up


AndroidTM TalkBack

Action Command
Next (previous) heading Swipe up or down to cycle through navigation settings, choose Headings, then swipe left and right.
Next (previous) heading Swipe up, then right to open the Local Context Menu, then choose Headings
  • Use table reading commands

Being familiar with table reading commands will improve your experience on any financial website. Here are some screen reader table commands that may be useful:

JAWS for Windows® screen reading software

Action Command
Next (previous) table T (Shift + T)
Navigate cells Ctrl + Alt + arrow keys
Read current cell Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 5
Read current row Insert + Shift + up arrow
Read current column Insert + Shift + Numpad 5
Move to first or last cell in column Ctrl + Alt + Shift + up or down arrow
Move to first or last cell in row Ctrl + Alt + Shift + left or right arrow
Move to first cell in table Ctrl + Alt + Home
Move to last cell in table Ctrl + Alt + End

Zoomtext® Magnifier

Action Command
Next (previous) table T (Shift + T)
Beginning of table Left bracket followed by T
End of table Right bracket followed by T
Navigate cells Insert + Windows + arrow keys
Move to start or end of row Ctrl + Insert + Windows + left or right arrow
Move to top or bottom of column Ctrl + Insert + Windows + up or down arrow
Options for reading column and row headers (none, one, or both) Ctrl + Shift + H



Action Command
Next (previous) table T (Shift + T)
Navigate cells Ctrl + arrow keys


AppleTM VoiceOver on Mac®

Note: VoiceOver uses the Control and Option keys before each command. This is referred to as VO below.

Action Command
Next (previous) table VO + Command + T (Shift + VO + Command + T)
Navigate cells VO + arrow keys
Read current header VO + C
Read from VO cursor to end of row VO + R
Read from VO cursor to bottom of column VO + R + C


AppleTM VoiceOver on iPad® and iPhone®

Action Command
Next (previous) table Choose Tables via the Rotor, then swipe down or up
Navigate table cells Swipe right, left, up, down


AndroidTM TalkBack

Note: TalkBack may not announce column and row headers in Chrome, but will in Firefox.

Action Command
Navigate table cells from left to right Swipe left or right
Navigate table cells up, down, left, right Explore by touch