Think solar isn’t popular? Just turn on your TV! Solar energy has taken over media campaigns in the past decade as many companies are looking to build a more sustainable brand. The rise in popularity of solar power and renewables has driven these organizations to make clean energy the centerpiece in multi-million dollar advertising campaigns.

Large corporations are leading this renewable energy revolution. Apple, Coors Light, Verizon and Google are just a handful of the hundreds of companies that are making sustainability goals for their organizations and using television and social media to promote these initiatives.

This is not just a fad, this is the future. Modern consumers are well-informed and are more likely to invest or purchase something from a company that has shown it is an environmentally friendly and ethical organization. A study done on Consumer Trends in Sustainability found that “75 percent of consumers would be more likely to buy a product or service if the company is making an effort to be sustainable.”

Committing to corporate sustainability makes business sense too. Solar power is a cost-effective way for businesses to generate the electricity they need for manufacturing, distribution, storage, retail and many other applications. America’s top brands are putting their faith in solar and committing to be more sustainable organizations. SEIA’s Solar Means Business Report tracks commercial solar installations in businesses, including the top 25 corporate solar users, many of whom are Fortune 500 companies.

As renewable energy is becoming more widespread, we are seeing an increasing number of businesses adopting solar to power their operations. Corporate solar users are leading this energy revolution and help normalize the use of renewables in business and in general. They also are letting hundreds of millions of tv watchers in America know that they are committed to greater use of solar energy, a trend the rest of the nation can be expected to follow.

Check out a few of the ads:

Coors Light



