Does your city generate a lot of solar energy? Rankings offer surprises.

Sustainable energy is popular far from liberal strongholds, particularly among Central Valley farmers.

By MARTIN WISCKOL | Orange County Register

Solar energy use throughout the state and the nation is expanding rapidly — and it’s not just liberal strongholds embracing the transition away from fossil fuels.

While Los Angeles produces the most total solar power nationwide, Bakersfield and Fresno generate more on a per person basis — and all three outproduce San Francisco, according to the new “Shining Cities 2020” study by Environment California.Read More

Power purchase agreements: what you need to know

By Kerry Thoubboron

There are many $0-down financing options available for going solar, including both ownership (i.e. solar loan) or third-party-owned (i.e. leases) solutions. Many homeowners looking for an easy, low-cost, maintenance-free way to install a solar panel system move forward with a power purchase agreement (PPA). In this article, we’ll give you an overview of solar PPAs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this financing solution to help you decide whether it’s the best option for you.Read More

Report: 38 Percent Energy CFOs Say Solar Will Be the Most Dominant Form of Alternative Energy by 2023

By Meredith Galante

In a new study, Energy Goes Green, released by BDO, energy sector CFOs reported that solar power will be the most dominant form of alternative energy in the United States by 2023.

The study details forces driving the transition towards alternative energy sources. The survey features the thoughts of 100 CFOs at oil and gas and power generation companies, revealing that energy executives are focused on striking a balance between navigating short-term uncertainty and volatile markets, but also planning for a green future.Read More