Solar O&M Shortcuts Lead to Higher Costs Later, Experts Say


Two separate analyses from Origis Services and Wood Mackenzie suggest that cost-cutting now for maintaining solar projects leads to greater expenses down the road.

Prices for utility-scale solar operations and maintenance contracts have dropped across the globe in recent years, driven by competitive auctions and fewer services being provided. But prices at the bottom of the range (approximately $3 to $5 per kilowatt per year) are not without their drawbacks, experts say.  Read More

“Sense” explains how COVID has changed home energy usage

By Chris Crowell

Based on an analysis of changes in home energy trends across the country since COVID-19, Sense found that the average home electrical usage increased 22 percent compared to 2019, a reflection of people using more electricity while they stayed home. With this increase, most consumers will pay 22% more on their April electricity bill compared to April 2019, with a typical increase of $22-$25, and higher in states with steeper utility rates.Read More

The Future Of U.S. Solar Is Bright


This is the first of a multi-part series on the state of the main sources of energy in the US and how they compare globally. The series will cover solar, wind, oil & gas, coal, nuclear, and geothermal (so far) and will answer the same four questions for each.Read More